HWBT & Serko knock up 21!

HWBT & Serko knock up 21!

HELLOWORLD Business Travel (HWBT) and Serko are celebrating the signing of the 21st agent to their combined tech partnership.

Over 30% of the network has now adopted Serko’s corporate Online Booking Tool (OBT) with plans to release a premium Zeno platform in coming months.

HWBT said since the first of its agents commenced using the platform, Helloworld Business Travel had increased its online technology adoption by 60% in seven months.

“Seeing the agent up-take shows us that the current offering is able to meet the needs of the HWBT members,” said Serko ceo Darrin Grafton.

“In consultation & collaboration with HWBT we will continue to support the network members,” he said.

Pictured: Steve Hona, HWBT and Warren Lio, Serko.

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Source: traveldaily