YESTERDAY’S unveiling of the new Singapore Airlines cabin product (see p1, p8) was conducted with a large amount of pomp and ceremony, appropriately marking the gravity of the event.
After a presentation from SQ ceo Goh Choon Phong in front of a massive screen showing images and a video of the product, he stepped aside to make way for a group of Singapore Airlines cabin crew who burst into song (below).
Spotlights shone, inspirational music swelled and the team delivered an anthem which we are sure brought many a tear to the eyes in the room.
As they reached the song’s climax the giant screen was lifted aside, revealing the actual cabin mockups which were then eagerly perused by the aviation media from across the globe in attendance.
For those who weren’t fortunate enough to be there, we managed to capture the final crescendo on video – turn your sound on and click on the image below to be inspired.
The post Window Seat 03 Nov 17 appeared first on Travel Daily.
Source: traveldaily