FROM AFTA’s chief executive, Jayson Westbury
With just 20 days to go before Christmas Day and this week being the last official sitting week of Federal Parliament, (that is unless the Prime Minister makes them all stay back for another week next week) we should hopefully see the end of the two issues of the year: marriage equality legislation passed and the matters at hand regarding dual citizenship of Senators and Members of the House resolved.
Meanwhile the Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce returned to work this week after winning his by-election over the weekend brought on by his own dual citizenship status.
But the big question is what will happen on Sat 16th Dec when the by-election for the seat of Bennelong, held by Liberal member John Alexander is held. If the Coalition does not win that by-election, then the Government becomes a minority held government and I don’t think we really know what the outcome of that might look like. It is a big deal to contemplate this situation and the impact it could have on the country and our future. I am sure over the next 10 days or so there will be plenty of sleepless nights for the Prime Minister and the Government and in fact for the country as we are in somewhat unchartered waters.
Meanwhile, the travel industry continues to do what it does best and just gets on with it. As the ash cloud in Bali has proven to cause all sorts of disruption and drama, people wanting to come home and not sure what to do, the industry has once again come together as best it can to support and help as many people as possible. After all, it’s Christmas and it is a time to be giving and sharing which is the one thing the travel industry does well.
And, full credit to all of the operating airlines between Australia and Bali. There is nothing easy about cancelling flights and explaining that and dealing with that when people just want to go on holiday or go home. It does to me seem very reasonable from the options available to consumers to make changes and while this is mother nature once again in control, the best we can all do is try and work together for the best and safest outcome for all concerned.
The post AFTA update 05 Dec 17 appeared first on Travel Daily.
Source: traveldaily