Best Western goes direct

Best Western goes direct

BEST Western International has confirmed the restructure of its Sydney-based affiliate office, as it moves to a new “Property Direct Relationship” (PDR) with member hotels in Australia and NZ.

The change, effective 01 Jun, brings to an end a 37-year arrangement with the Motel Federation of Australia, with the day-to-day local management of the Best Western brand now in the hands of the company’s head office in Arizona, USA.

The firm said the move would enable it to “better compete in a rapidly evolving & increasingly complex marketplace,” with moves to a PDR structure in other markets resulting in better communications and enhanced service levels for guests.

“The goal is to have a more cost-efficient and effective organisation which unifies and leverages the existing staff in Australia with the Best Western global team to drive superior revenue and service,” the company said.

The Best Western network in Australia & NZ is comprised of 115 independently owned and managed properties.

Best Western Int’l said it was focused on “ensuring a smooth transition, so revenue delivery & support for member properties is enhanced & not compromised”.

Source: traveldaily