HA-JL seek joint venture

HA-JL seek joint venture

HAWAIIAN Airlines has announced plans to create a joint venture with its codeshare partner Japan Airlines, aiming to boost Hawaii’s visitor numbers by up to 350,000 people per year.

The pair have filed an application for antitrust immunity with the US Department of Transportation and Japan’s Ministry of Transport in a bid to create America’s first airline joint venture not involving one of the big three carriers.

If approved, the venture would give Hawaiian access to 34 destinations in Japan including Nagoya and Okinawa, as well as 11 Asian points beyond.

In return, Japan Airlines would improve its links among the Hawaiian islands and increase access to Hawaiian’s non-stop flights from Honolulu to Tokyo Haneda and Sapporo.

The carriers estimate the plan will contribute between US$184 million and US$402 million per year to the Hawaiian economy.

Source: traveldaily