Lacaze & Carstensen are back

Lacaze & Carstensen are back

RUSSELL Carstensen, former head of Air Tickets and QBT at Helloworld Travel prior to his sudden departure from the company (TD 23 May 2018), has today reappeared as the CEO of a new travel technology business backed by Peter Lacaze.

Carstensen and Lacaze worked together for many years, including when Lacaze was CEO of Stella Travel Services and its subsequent merger with Jetset Travelworld in 2010.

The pair’s new business is called Aeronology and specialises in travel transaction technology including ticketing, APIs, GDS and NDC bookings, robotics, tour wholesale and payment connections.

“My own personal career history is all about how to help travel businesses, whether in retail, corporate or wholesale, to have access to the best technology to be as profitable and efficient as possible,” Carstensen said.

The company’s revenue model is based on small transaction charges which can be easily passed on to travellers, he added.

Lacaze is a “substantial investor” in the business, which can provide content and payment connections to any customer.

Aeronology has a team of experienced developers who are producing platforms to allow the industry to capitalise on the opportunities created by NDC, APIs and Web Services – more info at

The post Lacaze & Carstensen are back appeared first on Travel Daily.

Source: traveldaily