Oz enjoys local travel

Oz enjoys local travel

TOURISM Research Australia has released its latest National Visitor Survey on domestic travel by Australians, which shows almost all states and territories experienced visitor growth between Mar 2017-Mar 2018.

According to the report, domestic overnight travel was up on previous years, showing growth of 7% that was also underpinned by a visitor spend increase of 5%.

The strongest performers in domestic travel were NSW and Tasmania, which both enjoyed visitor growth of 10%, the highest in the country.

The ACT also proved to be a popular spot, with the territory welcoming around 2.7 million visitors and growth of almost 8% on the previous year’s figures.

Nature-based activities were cited as being potential key drivers for holiday-makers, with regional areas featuring outdoor activities showing strong positive growth, including the Blue Mountains (up 19%), the Yarra Valley (up 34%), Freycinet National Park (up 32%), and NT’s Kings Canyon (up 18%).

Source: traveldaily