FROM AFTA’s chief executive, Jayson Westbury – Dreadful and very sad events in Russia with the
Saratov Airlines jet crashing near the village of Argunovo,
about 80km south-east of Moscow. Our thoughts go
out to the families of the 71 lives lost in this tragedy.
However, at least there appears to be no mention
of terrorism and no doubt the travel and aviation
industry will await the report of the investigation into
what happened. The airline industry does an amazing job to fly so many
people all over the world every day, but these incidents do unsettle
people, let’s hope that the report brings with it some concrete answers.
On a more positive note, it is the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dog
and for those of you in the travel and tourism industry that interact and
have business with China, I am sure you will be joining the celebrations.
As readers of Travel Daily know, I am the Vice Chairman of the World
Tourism Alliance (WTA), which is based in Beijing and so I join my
WTA colleagues from around the world to wish everyone a safe and
prosperous year ahead and a very Happy Lunar New Year. The WTA
has in fact supported members with the icon below to recognise the
event and I pass this on to all those in the Australian travel and tourism
industry on behalf of the WTA.
The Dog is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the
Chinese zodiac that relates to the
Chinese calendar. The Dog is ranked
as the 11th animal in the zodiac and
represents loyalty and honesty. For
people who are born in the year of the
dog they hold the best traits of human
nature. They are friendly, faithful,
smart, straightforward and hold a
strong sense of responsibility. So to
all of you in the industry I am sure that
you would like to be known to be of
the year of the Dog.
Again, Happy Lunar New Year.
The post AFTA update 13 Feb 18 appeared first on Travel Daily.
Source: traveldaily